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7 Ways to Balance Work and Family as a Travel Blogger

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Last Updated on June 2, 2024 by Leslie Stroud <!– %AUTHOR_NAME% –>

Whether you’re new to the travel blog scene or a seasoned veteran, the most critical element to master for sustained success is balancing work and family. From working with brands, capturing IG-worthy images, to crafting creative captions and producing written and/or video content – it is A LOT. Throw in travel and young kids and burn out can happen fast. Real fast.  And although balancing all the to-do’s may seem overwhelming, I’m here to tell you: it is possible!  

Yes, the goal is to provide your brand and audience with the highest quality and honest content, BUT what’s the point if you’re not actually LIVING these experiences!?! 

Do you struggle with the balancing act? Are you MORE exhausted after a family vacation than before? Do you feel like your hustling simply to keep up with the Joneses? If so, have no fear. 

Here are seven simple tips you can start implementing  in order to ensure your next family vacation is just that…a vacation!

1. Have a plan. Prior to your trip, have a daily itinerary clearly established. (Particularly if you’re working with a brand.)  This way, you’ll know where you need to be and at what time. And more importantly, when you’re ‘working’ and when you’re not. 

2. Make a list. Leading up to a trip, I’ll search Instagram or Google to get an idea of iconic shots for a given location/destination. From there, write down the shots or video content you’d like to capture. Again, this simplifies the content production since you’ll know exactly what you want to shoot. 

3. Avoid taking photos midday. The lighting is so harsh, so it’s not worth struggling with the bright light and shadowed faces when it comes time to edit. This is also the time of day that we’re generally out and about having fun. 

** pro-tip: If you have a desired shot in mind, return at dusk or go early in the morning when the light is much softer. 

4. Post a day or two behind. Trying to capture and edit stellar images, craft a creative post, engage after posting, and THEN create an interesting IG story…all in ONE day? Impossible. Not to mention stressful. The quality of your content will be far superior if you’re able to take your time, reflect on your experiences, and not rush just for the sake of posting. 

**pro-tip: When working with brands be clear on your social media and blog posting timelines so they are not expecting you to post in real-time. 

5. Utilize downtime efficiently. If you have young children utilize nap time to edit pictures. Or if your kids are older, schedule some ‘down time’ into your daily itinerary. It gives everyone a chance to re-group and recharge for the second half of the day! 

6. Recap the events of the day in a Google Doc at bedtime. (Because let’s be real, mom brain is no joke!) While laying in bed waiting for my children to doze off I’ll jot down notes of our adventures and any important facts and/or tips that were uncovered that day. 

7. Plan an ACTUAL vacation. Don’t get me wrong, producing valuable content to help other families live out their dreams is incredibly rewarding.  BUT, you also need time for you and your family away from the limelight. A time to completely disconnect. No brand collaborations, itineraries, or deadlines. A trip to just be and simply enjoy the time with the ones you love most. It may feel strange to remove yourself from the social media world for a brief hiatus, but I promise you, it is invigorating! (And so necessary!) 

And remember, this is your unique journey! Once I stopped worrying about pumping out content every day simply to appease the social media world, a healthy balance in work and family was achieved. 

With proper planning and preparedness you too can be present and stress-free on your next family adventure. 

What are you top travel tips for balancing work and family time? I’d love to hear! Leave them in the comments below. 

XO, Steph 

Stephanie is the blogger, social media creator, e-course instructor, and photographer behind Destination Graves– a family travel blog that introduces families to world-class destinations. Alongside her husband and three kiddos: Aviana (5), Adalyn (5), and Rory (2) she aims to show families that luxurious accommodations and exceptional service does not have to be compromised simply because you have young children. Based in Raleigh, NC they seek out the best of the best resorts, restaurants, and activities the southeastern US has to offer.  

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