Hi, friends! Leslie here. As we continue to explore options for our children’s education, I wanted to feature a good friend I just made, Valerie. She has been “homeschooling” for over a decade and has a unique opportunity: commonwealth schools.
Hello! My name is Valerie Harmon.
I have seven children (4 still at home), and I have custom educated my children for over 18 years.
Some call at homeschool, but I find that a misnomer. Homeschool suggests everything takes place within the home, and in my experience, a “home education“ takes place all over the community, and even the world.
A “custom” education focuses the education on the child, not on the method. Throughout the years, my children have had classes within the home, with co-ops, commonwealth schools, private schools, tutors, and public schools.
For those thinking of homeschooling for the first time, my advice is this: Plan just a year at a time.
If there’s anything that 2020 has taught us, it’s be prepared for change. But this happens in vanilla years too.
Each year a child is in a different age group and might need different classes or environments than the year before. Customizing the education to the child means harnessing the wonderful offerings in your community and online, replacing curriculum that didn’t work well the year before, and matching the child’s current interests with mentoring experts.
This year I have a senior, sophomore, 7th grader, and pre-schooler. This is what fall semester currently looks like:
There are commonwealth schools in the western United States, not just my state (there’s even one in Tanzania).
A commonwealth school, based on the Leadership Education Mentoring Institute (LEMI) and A Thomas Jefferson Education book, is limited to 30 families who all contribute to the teaching and work of the school.
According to the LEMI website, a new commonwealth school is:
The New Commonwealth School gives concerned parents an affordable school environment that does not surrender control to an inflexible school administration and secular humanist trained teachers.
It is a great option for parents who want to give their children a quality educational experience without having to rely on pricey private schools.
The New Commonwealth School is a community created school that provides mentoring for students in the Scholar Phase.
Above are the visible, school-looking parts of our education.
In actuality, custom educating is a lifestyle.
When we go to the store to buy groceries, my children help me find the best price. We listen to books on Audible and read aloud together. We have chores that they must finish before they earn media time. We have devotionals almost every morning and often take “field trips.”
Learning takes place within and beyond the texts and classes.
If you’re wanting to customize your child’s education, do some reading.
While in high school, our eldest daughter (now 23 years old) decided she wanted to turn the book character Anne of Green Gables into a modern times YouTube channel (Green Gables Fables).
This project led to a successful Kickstarter for recording season two in Canada, and she now works as a Creative Director at the top of her career, even though she is so young. She was able to accomplish an amazing project because of a customized education (she did all the work, we just gave her support and room to thrive).
There is a huge list of reasons why people choose to custom educate their children. Figure out your why, and your vision and mission for your family, so that custom education isn’t something that happened because of COVID-19. Create your education style around your family’s needs, not the other way around.
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