When travel isn’t available, like right now during this crazy COVID-19 pandemic, I like to hit the kitchen. I’m an emotional eater, what can I say? I’m depressed about travel plans fizzling into this air and working on my “quarantine 15”.
Anyone who knows me personally, or has watched any of our YouTube videos, knows how much I adore Bangkok. I’ll always be up for a plane ride to Bangkok.
While living there for six weeks in 2019, I ventured out for a day of “world schooling” with my two oldest children to take a cooking class with House of Taste Thai Cooking School. Thai food is one of those cuisines I could probably survive on for the rest of my life without much complaining. This cooking class served up some delicious eats and great company: the best combo in the world!
Getting to the class was a harried mess! We were running late, as always. We managed to get a taxi and it wasn’t until we started driving that I realized we would be in the thick of Bangkok rush-hour traffic! Bangkok is notorious for traffic.
As I watched our little dot on the map crawl along, I soon realized we would be late. The first part of the class was meant to visit a local market and was a main reason why I picked it!
Our driver seemed to be confused as we continued, rolling down his window and asking directions of others. I kept showing him the address and our location on Google maps, but it was a hot mess. I knew we were close, but didn’t know where to go.
Eventually, the driver basically just shoved us out the door. He stopped the car and refused to go on, telling us to get out. That is highly unusual for Thai people, but I think the traffic had stressed us all out.
As we got out and I tried to orient myself to the street, my son realized he had left his new stuffed animal in the taxi! It was long gone, with no way to recover it. He burst into tears as I rushed to find the address.
Sure enough, when we arrived, we had missed the market visit! The other participants strolled in about five minutes later. UGH. The adventures of travel with a family that tends to run late 🙂
After the class, we walked to the market ourselves to check it out. Sadly, it was mostly shut down by the middle of the day and would reopen that night. Oh well. At least we took a Tuk Tuk back to the hotel!
Check out our video of the experience here:
Now, onto making it yourself!
Note: As is the case with all international recipes, you might have some trouble finding some of the ingredients. My tips: Amazon is an amazing resource! You can find all kinds of fun ingredients there. Otherwise, skip it or look up a suitable substitute in Google. Don’t have lemongrass? Google “substitutes for lemongrass”.
Serves: 2
Prep Time: 10
Cook Time: 15 min
Be sure to tag me @7wayfinders in your recipes! I love seeing you cooking at home!