Samba in Rio, marvel at Iguazu Falls, and explore Brazil’s vibrant culture and breathtaking nature.
With even children’s films celebrating the grandeur of vibrant Rio de Janeiro, many families are flocking to visit this hotspot of Brazil. Rio is easy to get to, with two international airports and several direct flights from the USA. Rio also offers plenty of family-friendly activities to keep you entertained. The food is amazing, the
Is Brazil beckoning to your travel spirit? Are you are wondering if you can head there with the kids? Our family of seven went to Brazil for six weeks and flew several times within Brazil. We rented a car, took many taxis and Ubers, and walked around. Read about our experience with Ubers and Taxis
Transportation in foreign countries can be stressful, unknown, and sometimes complicated. As a family, we honestly would love to drive so we can see more of the city or country we are in, and it’s convenient for kids. However, there are places where it makes sense, and there are places where it doesn’t. Here are
Check off a bucket-list item and visit the Amazon with your kids! Our tips and review of a overnight river cruise on the Rio Negro.