
Full-time travel isn’t just vacations—it’s life on the go. From healthcare to homeschooling, we’ve got the details covered.

Blog Posts

May 26, 2022

7 Ways Full-Time Family Travel Will Ruin Your Life

Today dawns the fourth anniversary of our most impactful decision as a family.  This day, four years ago, we departed our “normal” life after selling our cars and home, putting our remaining possessions into storage, and leaving with seven backpacks and four checked bags that contained our new life. The emotions, fatigue, adrenaline, and fear

Dec 29, 2019

A Trip Around the World! 19 Months of Travel.

The close of another year.  This is a special year for us as it is the close of a year traveling as a family full-time.  We actually just celebrated our 19 month anniversary on Christmas!  As a celebration of the new start of 2020, I want to share a recap of our trip around the

May 27, 2019

Happy 1-Year Travel Anniversary to Us!

My heart bubbles with emotions and spills over at the thought of what the last year had brought our family. We’ve been so incredibly blessed, so protected, so stretched. We’ve been pushed to our max in many ways. We morphed and changed and grown and loved more deeply. Trying to pick a topic to celebrate

Jan 27, 2019

Full-Time Travel: 8 Months In

Tomorrow, we hit our 8-month anniversary of full-time travel. I can hardly believe this. When I talk to my friends (mostly through Marco Polo—have you heard of it? It makes talking to my mom friends possible, especially in different time zones!), it feels like I’ve been gone maybe a month or two. Time is such