Home » Children’s Museum San Francisco: The Exploratorium
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Children’s Museum San Francisco: The Exploratorium

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last Updated on August 8, 2024 by Leslie Stroud <!– %AUTHOR_NAME% –>

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This was, sadly, the only children’s museum we made it to. I love children’s museums and I would have loved to explore more. However, we ended up spending a lot of time at the skate park. Lucy got a new scooter at the beginning of the month and wanted to use it a lot. There were dreams of being an Olympic/BMX star on the scooter of course. There was a nice playground and the kids all loved it, so I went with it!

Skate Park San Francisco.

The Exploratorium is quite a destination for a family. It could easily be explored over multiple days and is mostly geared towards older kids. Really, only Lucy would be self-sufficient enough to enjoy the museum. They said on the website that toddlers will have enough to do, but I don’t really agree. Grace and Harrison were sort of out of luck. Grant and Lincoln needed me to constantly explain everything- nothing was quite entertaining enough for them on their own. There was a fun hanging balloon kind of thing that we could play hide-and-seek in, but I have to make sure there was no pushing/shoving/yelling. 🙂

Honestly, the kids enjoyed our picnic outside and chasing the pigeons about as much as anything inside! Haha!

This would have been a super fun date night. Or an older kid date. I wouldn’t take all my kiddos back there for many years, at least not alone.

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