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Touring Pittock Mansion with Kids

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Last Updated on August 8, 2024 by Leslie Stroud <!– %AUTHOR_NAME% –>

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My mom came for a short visit at the beginning of our stay in Portland and together, with two of the boys, we ventured to the Pittock Mansion.  In my efforts to not use the car, we took the bus.  This required a pretty steep hike up the hill to the house (maybe 1 mile?), which was a little much in the heat with our group.  However, we made it fine and got in a good walk in the meantime.  Do note that there is no sidewalk all the way and it is a little difficult with cars going by.  Also, I found out later that you can hike to the mansion through Forrest Park.  I would have loved to come this way!

I found the mansion itself to be fascinating.  While they have updated it somewhat and the furniture and design is totally different from the original pictures, the layout is the same.  There are fabulous placards all over with explanations and fun facts about the time period, the family, the use of each room, etc.  You got a great feel for the family and the time period.  The closets have period clothing in them, the bathrooms are still the original fixtures when possible and the staircase is so grand.

There are also fabulous gardens outside with hundreds of rose bushes (appropriate for the City of Roses).  The view is phenomenal and on a sunny day, it was just as lovely to be on the outside.

I especially found the tour helpful later when we toured some real estate in the city.  I fell in love with the historic city homes and could see a lot of the same layouts from the mansion.  When I saw an old sleeping porch, for example, it made a lot more sense!  I loved the pocket doors, receiving rooms, multiple staircases, and other fun features.  I would love to live in a home like that someday.  However, bathrooms can be a bit of a challenge 

Pittock Mansion with the kids.

Overall, I’d say this destination is totally worth the trip!  However, I was grateful to only have two of my five children since they did not find it as fascinating 

Pittock Mansion,

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