I just came from my hair appointment. Who doesn’t love a good gab with their hairdresser?! My gal is not only awesome but has been hearing about my brainstorming for this “Big Trip” for months. She is nothing but supportive (and maybe a little tired of hearing about it).
Today, because of a rescheduling issue, I ended up right next to a woman I love from my church. I spilled all the beans about the trip to someone I really care about, but that I don’t see often. This was a new step for me. The fact that I am starting to tell most people in my life we are doing this is both freeing and terrifying.
We booked our next location for Christmastime 2018. This was a hard one for me- I’ve never spent Christmas away from my home or the home of a parent. We decided on… Bali! We will be going for five weeks there because it looks SO magical (assuming we can get the strict and labor-some visa requirements taken care of).
This is becoming REAL. I am starting to give away all baby clothes and gear. Soon, I’ll pair down clothing. We are sewing patches on our bags (hubby’s cute idea). I’m getting so excited!!!
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At the same time, I know this will be HARD. We will all be homesick. We will be lonely. Traveling with young kids is rough- especially when things go unexpectedly. Our kids will have to learn how to go without some modern comforts, how to sleep on the go, how to eat what we can find, how to shop, how to talk to people, how to do home school with me (eek!), how to help each other A LOT more. I’m only one person and the big kids are going to have to step up and help the little kids with some things. We’ve actually set aside some budget money for just this- big kids helping more and earning some spending money.
However, through it all, my hairdresser made a good point. She said everything that I care most about will be going with me. Unlike my friend in the next chair who said she couldn’t leave her grandkids for a long time without a lot of heartaches, I do have all my most important people with me. Thank goodness for this!
I’m reading a cute book called The Yellow Envelope. It is about a couple that had a similar idea. They quit their jobs, sold everything, and left to travel the world. I’m about halfway through and she is kind of miserable. At first, this made me nervous. What if I too have a major regret about this decision? However, I got a few key points for me:
I guess I haven’t realized before how much energy, time, and money go into my “stuff”. Definitely, it’s a lot. Think about all the time you spend organizing clothes, shopping, decorating, remodeling, gardening, and cleaning up random spaces (garage, junk drawers, pantry).
I’m not advocating for a life of nothing. In fact, I really like my life with lots of “stuff”. I love parties. I love decorating for holidays (especially Halloween) and doing tons of traditions. I love to keep busy with my work. I know that I will want it again! I want to have our big house full of fun things to do like hosting parties and giving out full-size candy bars at Halloween. We fully plan to settle somewhere with these travels and make a home-base. I want my kids (and myself) to make friends they will have for the next 10+ years. I want them in activities, sports, dances, and church activities.
However, I am excited, as part of our trip to have so much LESS. To have only what I carry on my back (literally) to call my own. It makes me wonder what we might change about our life on the other end of this trip.
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Our Mistakes with Full-Time Travel: 9 Months In