Urban City

Cities as playgrounds! From street food to sights, we’ll show you how to explore metropolises with kids like a pro.

Blog Posts

Jul 26, 2024

Top 12 Must-Do Activities in Lisbon for Families

We’ve been residing in Lisbon for nearly three years now. Next month is our anniversary of moving to Portugal!  I’m still falling in love with this place – the fresh food, beaches, culture, and amazing people. There is so much to adore in Portugal! While many couples and backpackers visit Lisbon, there is much to

Jan 31, 2024

17 Crazy Cool Things To Do in Singapore With Kids

We visited Singapore with our five kids in 2019 and fell in love with this amazing city! Though not as large as other Asian countries and often used as a layover, Singapore has much to boast. In fact, we often say Singapore would be our home base if we were to live in Asia. With

May 26, 2023

14 Best Ways To Enjoy Copenhagen With Kids

Scandinavia ranks among the best places to live in the world, and it’s not hard to see why.  People are friendly, if not overly warm, pedestrians and bikes are everywhere, landscapes are breathtaking, and quality of life ranks as some of the highest in Europe. Copenhagen offers plenty of entertainment for families.  Take in the

Nov 01, 2021

A Weekend in Barcelona with Kids

Exploring Barcelona for a couple of days with kids? See all our recommendations for how to get around, where to go and how to make it a great.

Feb 02, 2020

Best Bangkok Markets for Families at Night

As we are flying away from Bangkok to Auckland, we are all sad. We used Bangkok for a long layover between Paris and New Zealand and decided to extend to five days since we loved Bangkok when we went last year. However, we were all surprised at how much we didn’t want to leave this

Jan 26, 2020

Singapore Travel Guide: 5 Tips, Tricks, and Takeaways

We are SO sad to leave Singapore, which is what inspired me to write this Singapore travel guide. We originally booked a month there, but our first Airbnb was canceled by the host. Apparently the government is cracking down on Airbnb’s and saying you must stay at least 90 days. The Airbnb we actually stayed

Dec 15, 2019

Travel Italy by Train: How to Make It Easy

Italy has proven to be such a treasure of a country. So much beauty and variety of pleasures for the eyes. Italy sees TONS of tourists and is well catered to getting tourists around and serving them, making it easy to travel Italy by train. Don’t even get me started on the food! Deliciousness, like

Jul 23, 2019

Bangkok Travel Guide: 11 Tips, Tricks and Takeaways

I left a bit of my heart in Bangkok.  I fell in love with this city.  It seems like I’m somewhat alone in my strong feelings for traveling Bangkok long-term.  My family liked it, but they were ready to leave after five weeks.  I could have happily stayed another few! Why did I love it

Jul 23, 2019

Bangkok with Kids: Top 13 Things to Do

Oh Bangkok.  You’ll have a piece of my heart forever.  Bangkok is a travelers paradise, with or without kids.  We lived there for 5 weeks with five kids so keep reading for our recommendations on the top things to do in Bangkok with kids. Boat Ride Down the Main River (Chao Phraya River) Be sure

Mar 24, 2019

Traveling Taipei: Tips, Tricks, and Takeaways

As our third large Asian metropolis we’ve hit, we were feeling pretty good hitting Taipei. There were a few surprises, but we loved it here. *Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Opinions shared are my own, and I only endorse products I support. By clicking on any of the links below, I may get a

Mar 24, 2019

Bali: Tips, Tricks and Take-Aways

Want to know why Bali made it on our list?  I saw a friend’s picture on Instagram while she was in Bali, and I’d never seen anything like it.  It was all it took to sell me.  I didn’t even know where Bali was!  We stayed there for six weeks, and here are some of

Mar 24, 2019

Family Activities in Taipei

Have you ever been to Taipei? Have you heard of it? Honestly, I hadn’t really heard of it until we had an overnight layover on our way to Bali. However, we loved our night there so much we actually changed plans to come back to Taipei. The real push over the edge was the Pingxi

Aug 10, 2018

Pacifica and San Francisco: Touring Northern California with Kids

*This post may contain affiliate links. Opinions shared are my own and I only endorse products I support. By clicking on any of the links below, I may get a small commission if you make a purchase at absolutely no additional charge to you. I appreciate your support. You can read my full disclaimer here.* I think

Aug 08, 2018

Children’s Museum San Francisco: The Exploratorium

*This post may contain affiliate links. Opinions shared are my own and I only endorse products I support. By clicking on any of the links below, I may get a small commission if you make a purchase at absolutely no additional charge to you. I appreciate your support. You can read my full disclaimer here.* This was,

Jul 23, 2018

Touring Pittock Mansion with Kids

*This post may contain affiliate links. Opinions shared are my own and I only endorse products I support. By clicking on any of the links below, I may get a small commission if you make a purchase at absolutely no additional charge to you. I appreciate your support. You can read my full disclaimer here.* My mom

Jul 07, 2018

The Tillamook Factory: Traveling Portland with Kids

One of our first “field trips” in Portland was to follow the advice of our Airbnb owner to visit the Tillamook Creamery.  It is about a 1.5 hr drive through beautiful scenery.  The facility was very well done (I’ve been told it was just recently remodeled) and has a self-guided tour.  It was PACKED with

Jul 04, 2018

Oaks Amusement Park in Portland, OR with Kids

We arrived in Portland just three days before July 4th, so we didn’t have too much time to plan our celebrations. We ended up taking an Uber to Oaks Amusement Park after reading a few reviews online. Overall, we enjoyed coming here! The park has a good variety of rides.  It felt much more like a carnival

Jul 02, 2018

Traveling Portland With Kids

We are in Portland!  What brought us here?  Their food.  RedBeard and I visited here in 2017 and frankly just fell in love with the food and the city vibe. We thought this is a potential place to live in.  So, we made it our first stop. We traveled on a Sunday afternoon without a