utah via 7wayfinders

How to Deal With Homesickness: 5 Travel Tips From a Full Time Travel Family

Current month 13: Location: Tokyo, Japan One of the big issues we face is learning how to deal with homesickness while traveling. How long does it take you to start to feel homesick when you are away from home? How do you deal with the homesickness? What do you start to miss the most? Your


21 Best Audiobook Series for Family Road Trips

Summertime often means a road trip for most families, even if that’s just within a “staycation”. It’s a great time to pile into the car and get a change of view. With our five kids, we sometimes have to road trip around the world in our travels. On a recent road trip in Japan, I

dad post via 7wayfinders

The Truth of Becoming a Father: Father’s Day

From the moment my first child was born, I had a pretty significant feeling of inadequacy. It didnʼt cause me to shrink or crumble from the task of being a father, but it was clear that if there was a bar of perfection, I would never reach it. It has never, throughout the course of

Guest Post: How to Afford Full-Time Travel with Dotting the Map

We are the Fuller family. There are six of us- Reid, Hilarye, and four kids ranging from ages 9-3. In April 2018 we left our suburban life in Knoxville, Tennessee to hit the road with our fifth wheel  to explore our beautiful country (the United States). Our travels are not limited to the RV, we

10 Family Travel Hacks to Save Money and Avoid Meltdowns

Hi, we’re the McClenaghans, we are a family of 6 currently travelling full time. We love adventure and seeking out all things beautiful in this amazing world. Our travel life isn’t perfect, the beds are usually hard and we should probably plan ahead more, but we are doing it, we are living our big, wild,

What To Pack for Full-Time Travel: Master List

Here is my packing master-list of everything you need for full-time family travel. From the luggage we love to the everyday essentials, this list has it ALL! Our Luggage: Mama’s List: Clothing: Shoes: Hygiene and Makeup Products: Technology: School Supplies: Medical Supplies: Happy Traveling!! -Leslie

15 Tips for Cooking While Traveling

You made it to your vacation! Hooray! If you aren’t staying in an all-inclusive resort and you have kids (perhaps lots and lots of kid like us), you probably want to save some money on your food budget and try cooking while traveling. It’s much more fun to spend that money on activities or save

Happy 1-Year Travel Anniversary to Us!

My heart bubbles with emotions and spills over at the thought of what the last year had brought our family. We’ve been so incredibly blessed, so protected, so stretched. We’ve been pushed to our max in many ways. We morphed and changed and grown and loved more deeply. Trying to pick a topic to celebrate

Dealing With a Medical Emergency Abroad

*This post may contain affiliate links. Opinions shared are my own and I only endorse products I support. By clicking on any of the links below, I may get a small commission if you make a purchase at absolutely no additional charge to you. I appreciate your support. You can read my full disclaimer here.* One of

Motherhood Is…

To my fellow mothers, future mothers and those who mother others, Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you are reminded today of all the wonderful things that are wrapped up in the title of mom.  I hope you remember the sweet moments that are only ours to know, the precious rewards of a child loving you deeply,